The Rise and Fall

It’s been a few years since I’ve posted but it seems the pendulum has swung back to the place that it was before. That place where he just gets up and walks out of the home and decides this isn’t for him. That place he went in November/December 2015 when our engagement ended as quickly […]
So, This Happened

What can I say? Something happened for both of us and we decided that getting married was the right thing to do! So, we did it!!!

I kinda sorta didn’t stick with what I said in that last post. Yeah…lots more to come!
Seven and a Half Weeks of Stupid

***I actually started this post a month ago but never truly finished it until today, May 10th*** Have you ever had a birthday wish come true? I honestly can’t recall, in all of my years of making birthday wishes, that there was a time when what I there wishing for, actually happened. And the speed […]
Wanna Be Happy

But if I keep on giving my heart For people to tear apart The healing will never start So I can be happy Will I ever be happy

This was such a great day. November 14th, I remember it like it was yesterday. That day, we woke up and had an appointment to check out a wedding venue, The O’Neil house. It would be beautiful for a small intimate group. We’d stay in the room at the top of the hallway that night. […]
So, I Jumped!

I totally did what Steve Harvey said and the next day, I jumped. I decided the girls and I desrved to do something. So, yes, I was a bit upset that their father went to Disney with his girlfriend, especially with the financial mess that our child support order is and I was equally upset […]
Pulling Me Through It

Hey, how have you been? Me, well, most days are getting better…I’ve got so much going on and meeting new people and trying to stay busy. And then today happened. Not one thing in particular but a series of things that set off a flurry of emotions and, well, I fell apart and came together […]
Don’t You Forget About Me

I don’t know what it is but I finally feel okay. Like, I just know that no matter what, I’m going to be alright. This song came into my heart as I started to write this blog and it just filled me with hope and happiness. Us three little birds are going to be alright. […]
There’s So Much…

In 2014, when I made the decision to stop working, it was very, very, very difficult. I had worked since I was 16, pretty much. I didn’t know how life would look, as a single mother of two children, very little child support, living with family, very little savings. I just didn’t know what the […]