I totally did what Steve Harvey said and the next day, I jumped. I decided the girls and I desrved to do something. So, yes, I was a bit upset that their father went to Disney with his girlfriend, especially with the financial mess that our child support order is and I was equally upset that both times he and I were supposed to go to FL, something happened on his end and we didn’t make it. And again, after the last few months of mess between Peter and I, well, I just wanted to take the girls somewhere…
So I thought Great Wolf Lodge or Kalahari but something told me to look at flights to Orlando, and I did, and they were $19 per person each way. $19. How do you pass that up? I looked at it and I looked at it and I walked away from my computer and said, that we didn’t need to go. And I looked some more and finally, I just booked it!

Nyala actually pointed out Daisy and gave her hugs. One of the few characters that she wanted to go up and meet.
We had just watched Alice in Wonderland this morning so Nyala ran up and hugged her. Anaya was just as excited to meet The REAL Alice, lol…
A few months ago, after P and I first got engaged, we kind of tossed around the idea of going down to FL, getting married on a beach with just the girls and going to Disney with them, dropping them off with their dad in WV and taking a little trip to Mexico by ourselves. That really would have been a lot of fun and it was bitter sweet because I could almost imagine the fun we would have have but I guess I still have the hope that I am going to meet some amazing man and be able to share that experience with him. Anyway, the girls and I did make it to the ocean but it was too cool to my liking and I didn’t put on swimsuits but we did play on the beach….they loved it!