In a world full of hate, be love.

Soft Kisses in the Night

Day 8

We spent the night curled up together…every once in a while, he would kiss me softly on my neck or shoulder or arm.

He makes me feel perfect. He loves all the things I see as flaws. He makes me feel sexy and beautiful and so very loved. He gives me more confidence than I could have wished for. He is everything. Yet, he tells me I am everything.

He spent time with my family today. He saw my full and complete struggle. He saw the very worst parts of my world today and still loved me. And still is planning our future. We drove past that house and then we had dinner and ice cream. I can’t explain our happiness. I can’t explain our joy. The full amount of love we have, it just is overwhelming. And the sadness that comes as he dropped us off that night…having to sleep without him by my side….

He told his sister he found the woman he is going to marry.

I am the woman some guy is excited to marry.


Some guy wants to marry me. Make me his wife. Through my good and bad, my happy and my sad. And there is nothing I want more than to spend my life with him.

9/7 @ 12:31p
Z – I spent the night at Meghan’s last night…or at least my family thinks so!

Z – My mom asked why I never talked about you if we’ve been hanging out for a year, lol…

Z – Oh well…Ah, I miss you! Can’t wait to see you…2 or so should be good

P – If you were at Meghan’s then I have a serious confession. Last night I made love to the most beautiful sexy woman I have ever seen. I love her with all my heart:)

Z – Lol

Z – Mmmm, I’m so happy

P – Me too 🙂

P – Our search is over. Now the real work can begin. As long as we believe in each other we can have an amazing life.

Z – You’re everything!

P – I’m about to hop in shower and head over. Anything I can bring?

Z – Just you!

P – 🙂 I’m running to gas station then will be over

Z – Okay, I think I broke my van…my family is working on it, Boo!

Z – Oh, I am going to miss you tonight…

P – I’m going to miss you too. Just told my sister I found the woman I am going to marry. She is very happy to finally get to have a sister….I love you so much

Z – I’m just going to remember all te soft kisses until I see you tomorrow…love you too!!

P – I want you so much…

Z – Soon love….soon we can share our love with each other every day…

P – We already do. Today was amazing as is every moment I get to spend with you

Z – Than you for coming to my home today….and spending your days with my girls..I don’t know if you realize how much that means to me…

P – I enjoyed seeing your place and meeting the fam. How could I possibly love you without extending that love to your girls?

Z – I am so thankful that the universe put us in the right place and the right time…

Z – Now sleep well, you are going to have a crazy day at the office tomorrow….oh, I love you, I love you, I love you!!

P – I love you too. Sweet dreams

P – Sleepless. Laying here in bed thinking of you. The reality of everything is taking hold more and more. I have actually found the love of my life and have no doubt that love is returned.

Z – My perfect, perfect guy!!!! Soon, I’ll lay next to you every night…when your face is the last one I see each night, life will be everything I could have hoped for. Today and every day with you has been perfect. I just can’t believe I finally found you!!

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