In a world full of hate, be love.


I know Blogger…I said I’d come back and I have not.
Am I forgiven?


So, what it do? Isn’t that the stupidest phrase you’ve ever heard. What it do? WTF does that mean? I don’t understand that phrase. What it do?

So, I’ve fallen in love well, lust because I actually do not know this guy, never met him, but after going to see Fall Out Boy on 5/20 (this past Sunday), I’m totally into Pete Wentz, bassist and lyricist for the group. I mean, he’s my desktop wallpaper, I’ve hung up his photo in my cubicle, I’ve seriously become nutty over this guy. He has great teeth and a great smile. He kinda talks like a valley guy on the one video he posted on his friendorenemies site but I still have a crush on him nonetheless.

So, Memorial Day weekend, not too much planned…Birthday party on Sunday but that is about it. Work is super slow today which always happens before a weekend since a lot of other companies take this time off or whatever….

Well, I guess that is all I have to say. Talk to you soon…it won’t be months, it will be soon, I promise.


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