A Moment that Changed My Life

Hello and Welcome Back to Zaina Marie

Hello, hello, hello and Welcome Back to ZAINA MARIE!!! I’m so excited to finally start blogging again. Many years ago, I started to tell some of my story but a lot has changed since then and I’m looking forward to inviting you along on this journey. I don’t know what you will gain from it […]

..oddly, Speechless is a song I love by Michael Jackson. How can you measure this man? I don’t think you can. Millions and millions of people are mourning the loss of a man who broke barriers, entertained and will live forever through an amazing musical talent that will never be duplicated. Also, passing after […]
It’s Thursday…

…and we all know what that means, right? Tap!!!! If you didn’t already know, I LOVE to tap. I didn’t start tapping until I needed a better talent that a cheerleading routine when I was doing Miss Ohio local prelims. I started tapping, eh, was it 2000, 2001? Anyway, I really sucked back then. Didn’t […]

I know Blogger…I said I’d come back and I have not. Am I forgiven? Thanks! So, what it do? Isn’t that the stupidest phrase you’ve ever heard. What it do? WTF does that mean? I don’t understand that phrase. What it do? So, I’ve fallen in love well, lust because I actually do not know […]
Well, I Think I’m Coming Back…

Hello, hello, hello….I’ve missed you Blog….I’ve missed the way we talked, holding hands in the park, they way you looked at me and told me you loved me despite all my flaws…. Ok, seriously though…It’s been a long time and I just wanted to stop in and say hi…maybe I’ll start posting here a little […]