In a world full of hate, be love.

Let’s Get Help

So, we are still trying to figure out what is going on, it’s been an incredibly rough month so far. He promises we are trying to work our way through all of this. It is such a mess. A big, huge, awful mess BUT he said he talked to someone at work today that told him we should get counseling.

I agreed, grief counseling and couples counseling. I want to fix this. I want to make us better. We were way too awesome to just let it fall apart. What we had that night under the fireworks in September….that amazing love we felt in that moment under the bright burst in the night sky, it is worth saving. It’s worth piecing this back together. I know it is, he knows it is. I have to believe that we can make it through anything.

He said he doesn’t know why all this in his head is going on. He has a nice house, and a good life, and a great family here. He loves me and he wants to fix us because what we have is amazing.

So tonight, I just want to lay down next to my man. And hold his hand and hope he pours out his heart. And tomorrow, we will make arrangements to get help.

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