Hello Wisconsin!!

I had been looking forward to this trip for a few weeks….going to meet Peter’s dad and grandparents and other family members would be great. So far, the only people I’d met in his life were his sister and a few co-workers. I knew from the start he didn’t have many people in the area since he’d been here for only a year so it was going to be nice to learn a little more about his past and take this trip together.

The goal was to leave Wednesday morning at 6 and I’m very happy to say that we were all packed into the car by that time. He’d packed up a ton of healthy snacks and we’d hoped the kids would go back to sleep and well, first trip that far for them so we were both hoping for the best knowing it was probably going to be difficult…next time, we agreed we needed to get a portable DVD player, lol. It was a long journey, a few stops for food and bathroom breaks. It could have been worse, but it could have been better too, lol.
Upon arriving at his father’s house, Nyala immediately became attached to him. That was her new buddy and she just wanted to be near him every minute we were there. We headed to Walmart to get something for dinner the next day and then over to dinner at Culvers.

The next morning was Thanksgiving Day. We watched the Macy’s Parade and his sister and her children arrived. It was great to finally meet the kids I’d heard so much about. We later stopped by his aunt’s house and met some cousins and his grandparents. He even told them all to make sure they keep 4/9/2016 open for our wedding! Friday, we headed over up to Madison. There was a Children’s Museum he wanted to take the kids to so we did that. We also went to this super cute restaurant called Ella’s Deli! Overall, it was a great day, except I lost a diaper bag…ugh, I hate when that happens!
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