I don’t know what it is but I finally feel okay. Like, I just know that no matter what, I’m going to be alright. This song came into my heart as I started to write this blog and it just filled me with hope and happiness. Us three little birds are going to be alright.

I’m not ready to look back on this and laugh quite yet but I’ve had so many conversations with so many people over the past few weeks and it’s really been quite an experience. People who I never knew or people I knew very little of have been amazingly supportive in varying ways. Discussions that had never once entered my mind have been brought up and I’m glad to have been a part of them. I plan to shine bright now. I’m so optimistic about what tomorrow holds. I feel good. I mean, I really feel like rays of sun are shining and I plan to soak them all up.

Don’t you forget about me…
I’ll never forget about you…