Merry Forgiveness

When I work up this morning and started playing my music, I actually took the time to truly listen to what this song said…these lyrics in particular:

Love my enemies, forgive the past
and set ’em free so I can free
free up the things
every blessing God has for me
see it’s for me, not just for you
I had to learn from what I’ve been through
I can’t go through that way again
be hurt by you that way again
It’s not the end

So I started to look up quotes about forgiveness. I don’t really know what transpired between Peter and I yesterday. I don’t know how he feels, why he feels that way, or anything anymore. What’s happened between us, there really aren’t words, mainly because the full truth, well, I’ll never get it from him. But I’ll never hate him. I’ll never get it why he did all this insane stuff. I’ll always think of all that happy…there was so much happy…and just like the moment when you curl up in bed and turn the lamp off, his love for me, it seemed to have disappeared, at the speed of light.

So, I sent him this quote from the book of Matthew because it just seemed to me, at that moment, that I needed to forgive him. I needed to let him know that even through the madness, I could still be a good friend to him. That I was moving on from here and that I was sorry for my poor choices of words from the day before. He thanked me, said it meant the world to him, and that he was sorry for everything he had put me through. Promised to be more honest.

Let’s hope we get thru this as God would appreciate. I think we both have the power to do it…well, at least I know I do…

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