New Experience – Mass

Religion was important to Peter. We’d had many discussions about God and his role in bringing us together and our appreciation of this beautiful opportunity we had been given to love and cherish each other. He had even pointed out that the week we moved into our house was the start of classes one would take should they want to become Catholic. I was considering it. I knew it was important to him and I had been interested in it before….

Anyway, we needed to find a new church home…one that we could attend on a regular basis. We picked St. Joe’s to start. This was my first Catholic mass…I didn’t mind it…the service was short but Nyala was having a difficult time sitting through it. Peter hated it. He actually told me he was embarrassed by the service and disappointed that he had taken me there. The Priest had started the service with a joke, it was odd but it was my first one so I didn’t really think too much into it but Peter, he wasn’t having it.

So, yeah, we headed to brunch at Lyla’s, a cute little restaurant down the street from our house. We actually looked amazing that day as a family….we never did take a photo but we sure should have…

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