Ring Design

Day 11

He was pretty busy today working on a project but he still made time throughout the day to send me a message or two…

I did stop in to a bridal/special occasion store at the mall and looked at dresses…

I dealt with another cautionary phone call, which I’m sure there will be many to come but that’s okay.

He mentioned something last night about God. I’ve been detached from God for many years because I didn’t have signs that he existed. I also contacted a friend last night who was engaged within 2 months of meeting her now husband and she brought up God. And I mentioned something back to my guy and together we agreed it was God.

And, he designed the most beautiful ring for me that I could have ever wanted. My goodness, I Love this man.

And now I know for sure. God gave him to me. And I will thank Him every day for bringing joy and happiness into my life. He even looked at churches that we could attend.

Now, to understand Catholicism, lol.

9/10 @9:04a
P – Good morning. I talk with Mr. Casto. He wanted a copy of my 2014 W2 which I just emailed. Seems we are all set then and we will get more details this afternoon…I love you !!!

Z – Hey love! I was up pretty late last night so when the alarm when off, I didn’t even bother to get up.

Z – Anway, I read some great things last night….we will talk more about it later, it helped me sleep happier last night.

P – I’m glad. Enjoy your day. I will let you know if I hear anything and when I get out.

Z – Okay, love you so much.

P – Love you!

P – Thinking of you…

Z – Always thinking of you!

P – Just finishing up. How are you?

Z – I’m okay, busy day?

P – A little. They moved my demo from tomorrow end of day to tomorrow beginning. How was your day?

Z – It’s okay…out at Walmart with the little but have to go to target caus they don’t have what I’m looking for

Z – Do I get to see you today ?

P – Of course 🙂 how could I go aday without seeing you.

Z – I just saw you, you on Merriman?

P – Yep. Checking old mail box

P – Looks like we are approved 🙂 he will call us tomorrow for when the house will be ready etc… See this will all work out 🙂

Z – Are you serious?

P – Yes

P – What are you up to this evening?

Z – I just came over to my storage unit

Z – The girls are both sleeping so I’m just letting them sleep

P – Done eating. Where should we meet?

Z – Well, I’m dropping stuff off at the goodwill on state road and then meeting my mom to drop of some stuff near hAndels

P – Ok

Z – Meet at the park on portage trAil?

P – Sure

P – Great day for the park.

Z – I’m going to get some bubbles the girls while I wait for my mom to get here…

P – Awesome idea.

P – If I beat you there I will just ge a workout in 😉 lol

Z – Lmao!

Z – I’m in the checkout line now…don’t go creeping out the people at the park!!

@8:43pP –
when I think I couldn’t possibly love you anymore, I experience a new facet of you and my love for you grows even deeper.

Z – What did you see new today?

P – More insight into your quiet strength. You are not aggressive and have an indomitable spirit.

P – It’s a rare combination.

P – I hope that makes sense.

P – I am so lucky to be a part of your life.

Z – I get to spend the rest of my life being crazy with you…we are both lucky!

P – I think it would be crazy to think there was anyone better then you.

P – Hypothetically speaking, if someone designed a token of their undying love for you would you want to see a picture of it, or wait will it was presented to you?

Z – OMG!

Z – Can I see it?

P – *insert top view of ring

P – *insert side view of ring

Z – That’s beautiful!!!!

Z – I LOVE it!!!!!

P – I’m glad you like it!

Z – It’s so gorgeous!! You spoil me…how did I get so lucky!!

P – That makes me so so happy to know.

Z – Omg, you are so amazing! You actually want to make me happy…

P – You are my future.

Z – And you are mine….

P – More than anything.

Z – There’s a million things I want to do with you! I can’t wait to be your wife!

P – I ran the design by my sis. She approves 🙂

P – I can’t wait to be your husband. How did I ever get so lucky that someone as wonderful as you would want to be my wife..wow

P – I want you to know how serious I am about our relationship and our future together. Us becoming a family would make me happy beyond measure.

Z – I know you love us…I just don’t know how I could have ever been so blessed to have met you!

P – God has a plan. That much a know. I will never be their father, but I promise you I will love them and treat them no different than if I was.

P – Sweet dreams my love

Z – You too!

Z – Your presence in my life is adding a lever of faith that I lost many many years ago I was going to ask last week, but I was nervous you’d think I was crazy, but I feel like we should go to church. I know, it’s probably odd…but the connection I feel with you just seems like it’s greater than us…

P – I couldn’t agree more.

Z – I started the dialogue with my ex…

Z – I’m giving him warning that I have someone in my life now.

P – Wow. How did that go?

Z – I started by asking if he was going to make an attempt to be part of his children’s life

P – Ooo

Z – It’s like talking to a child.

P – I can’t imagine. What kind of man would do all that

Z – Anyway, I’m so glad you said yes to church. I’ll stop bothering you now…love you so much!! See you soon!!!

P – I was born and raised Catholic and pray the rosary everyday. I love you. Talk to you soon.

Z – *blows kiss

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