
Day 4

We had plans to see each other, but no idea what to do until a friend suggested we head over to the last home game of the local minor league baseball team. We chatted back and forth and he said he may or may not have a surprise for me. I saw this cool little gathering that was happening in about 6 weeks and I immediately signed up for 4 tickets. One of myself, my girls, and him, of course. Guess my heart was already pretty fixed on this.

It started to rain and there was thunder and lightning and hail. I was getting scared that our plans would get cancelled and I wouldn’t see my guy…you know, the one I’d only known for almost 3 whole days at this point. The game was postponed a bit, but not cancelled….and we had a great time despite my kids being rather unruly at times. He’s a great guy, a really awesome guy….and during the fireworks, as both of my littles sat in my lap, I looked over at him, and he looked over at me, and something quite magical happened without us saying a word.

He’s the one. I know, I know, it’s Day 4 but he is the one.

We walked back to my vehicle and I didn’t want us to be apart. I wanted to go home with him and stay there forever. I wanted us to have our own place and our own life and our own dream already being worked on. I knew he was the one. We just FIT. Our hopes, our goals, our desires, it just fit.

I got home and couldn’t shut my mind off. I started googling Love at First Sight…and during our conversation, as we talked about these strong feelings we were having, he asked what I thought about love at first sight, hypothetically speaking…at that exact moment, I was reading an article about a couple who’d gotten married after one week.

We both knew everyone would call us crazy. We both felt like we were at home when we were together. I still felt like I brought nothing to the table but extra stuff that he shouldn’t have to deal with. And he let me know over and over again, he never could feel that way about me. He told me he was lucky to be a part of my life.

He felt lucky…to be in my world….

Now that is all a girl like me would ever want someone to feel about them.

Yeah, he is the one!

P – Good morning

Z – Good morning!!

P – How was studying?

Z – Good, I have to get my book still but I’m glad I finally got into the classes I wanted

P – That’s great.

Z – Ready for work?

P – Been here since 5. Wanted to be sure I was done early;)

Z – Eek! you must be excited for something today!

Z – It’s a Frozen morning already over here

P – Sure am…I will have to watch it one of these days so I can share in your “joy”

Z – Lol, it’s not that horrible…I just like the Disney movies of my childhood…

P – I’m a big fan of pre little mermaid Disney. Loved the black cauldron as a kid

Z – Lol

Z – I have to figure out what we should do today…

P – I’m happy to do whatever.

Z – You make it so easy!!

P – It’s all you Zee

P – A busy day at work, but you are definitely on my mind

Z – Did you know I was talking about you, lol

Z – I was telling one of my inner circle friends about you and she’s invited you to the Annual Cleveland Browns party next Sunday..if you’re available…9/13

P – I would love to watch the browns lose with you.

Z – Ha ha, they’re going to win, I can feel it…it’s their season too!! And the Cavs!!!

P – I’m actually a huge Jets fan….Winnipeg Jets that is…lol

Z – I’m guessing that is hockey, lol

P – Yep…

P – But I do like the browns. My cousin, who is a democratic fundraiser, was complaining to me how racist he thought the name “browns” was…lol was serious too

Z – Omg, really?

Z – It’s a dumb team name but hardly racist

Z – I’m just sad they don’t have cheerleaders..I would have tried out as soon as I was 18!!!

P – Youre a big fan?

Z – No, I like to cheer, lol

P – I would love to see you in uniform…

Z – Hmm..we shall see…


Z – We just need to verify you are not a Steelers fan…

P – I’m from Wisconsin. Packer fan born and raised

Z – Cheesehead

P – And proud of it. I am all Wi, Bucks, brewes, packers

Z – That’s great!

Z – I’m not allowed to be with a Steelers fan again

P – I can see that. They are only good for checking if the floor is level…Based on what side of their mouth they are drool out of. Thank goodness they have those yellow towels though so at least there is something to wipe there face with

Z – Ha ha ha

P – They only players I know on the browns are Earl Campbell and berney cousar…lol

Z – Ha, I never make it a point to know the Browns players but some of them like to stay in trouble so I’m always getting alerts about them…

P – What we havin for lunch?

Z – Uh…

Z – Peanut butter and jelly…

P – Ooo

P – I’m having dandelion greens, broccoli and black beans…

P – I’m going to be a huge tease…I may, or may not have a little something for you.

Z – Oh, oh!!! May or may not!!!

Z – So, it’s the last Rubber Ducks game tonight…would you be interested in going to that?

P – I would love to. Haven’t been to one yet

Z – Yah, I always just get the $5 tickets and sit at the top cause I take a stroller.

P – Cool. Shall I neet you there or pick you all up?

Z – Oh, just meet us there!

P – You got it 🙂

Z – My other friend says I need to make sure you’re not a predator and I need to google you

P – Makes sense. How about we do it together. I have two cases in Arizona one was for he divorce and one was because I got sued for helping my dying friend by his widow. Messed up situation for sure…I’m not one for secrets.

Z – You have the least original name, I don’t feel the need to google you…

P – OK. I don’t feel the need to Google you either. I figure if it’s important you will tell me

Z – I also signed us up for this 500 plates dinner that is in October..there were only 18 tickets left…it’s going to be a large meal served on the highway…a community event

Z – It could be cool…the highway will be closed down of course….the internet area…

Z – Interbelt, ugh, auto correct

P – Sounds fun. I have a few fun ideas too. Some with the girls some just us

Z – 🙂

Z – So, that thnuder….

P – Yeah

P – Might be OK by 6

Z – Might be…

P – Just a little hail…;)

Z – Lol

P – Starting to blow over

Z – You think? Checking to see what the ducks are saying..

Z – They still plan on playing from a post they put up 10 minutes ago

P – Looking much better

Z – Okay, so we are still on for the game? I figure lots of other people won’t come and we have a better chance at winning all the prizes

P – See…That’s what I say.

P – As long as you and the girls will be OK with it, I am OK

P – I m in the ticket line

Z – Uh, you’re early! Game doesn’t start until 7!! Im still washing dishes!!

Z – OMG, I feel so bad!!

Z – I’ll be there soon!!!

P – Don’t rush

Z – I was just getting ready to text you that I go in the back entrance and I would meet you there around 6:45…

Z – So, I’ll still be there around 6:45

P – Perfect

Z – Sorry

Z – We are almost there

P – No worries

P – Just be safe.

Z – You got a $5 ticket right?

P – Yes

Z – Cool, getting out now

P – Im by State St gate

P – .

Z – I have no idea where you were, I must have walked by you

P – Are u on main st

P – Wow…I can’t begin to describe what I’m feeling right now. We fit so well together.

Z – I know..I don’t know what to do…

P – I just want to go home with you, is that weird?

Z – I guess we are both weird then…

P – You make me very happy

Z – It’s not just happy that I feel. It’s calm, it’s stable, it’s so much bigger than that.

P – That’s true. Well put.

P – I’m all yours…Not going anywhere 🙂

Z – I hope so cause I’m thinkig I don’t want to ever let you go…

P – You will think I’m crazy if I said all that I was thinking and feeling.

Z – It’s a crazy night…might as well spill it…

P – Better said in person though 🙂

Z – Ok

P – I want to hold you so much

Z – Soon…

Z – I just want to curl up in bed and just feel you beside me…

P – Me too. What are your thoughts on love at first sigjt…Hypothetically speaking…

Z – *inserts article titled True Dating Confession: “We Decided to Get Married After Dating for One Week”

Z – This is the exact article I’m reading cause I think I’m going crazy

Z – Love at first sight is exactly what I just googled

P – Me too

P – Lol. And saw a similar article to this one.

P – Everyone will think we are crazy, but to me it feels crazy not too.. If that makes any sense.

Z – Yeah, they will think we are crazy and I can’t even begin to think of one of my friends came to me with this. I know I would tell them they are crazy….

Z – Take you time, why rush…

Z – But the heart wants what the heart wants

P – The only way I can describe this is that when I’m with you I feel like I’m home…A feeling I have never really had.

Z – Yeah, it feels like home…like tonight, it was like being at home, watching a movie, with a few brats but still just enjoying a nigh with my family

P – I felt the same way. Especially during the fireworks

Z – By the way, the show married at first sight doesn’t seem too promising, lots of those people seemed to have split up but I see lots of great things from non-reality people…

P – Me too. I know what I want

Z – Would everyone in your life flip out?

Z – I’m trying to find a story of someone with kids doing this….

Z – You’re probably sleep…but I can’t shut my brain off…

Z – I feel like we fit but then I bring nothing to the table but stuff you haven’t had to deal with and I wonder if you can really handle that….

Z – Two kids, an ex-husband…

Z- I guess we will chat tomorrow…I will be thinking about this every time I wake up throughout the night…*kiss*kiss

P – Sorry. Phone died and couldn’t find charger…yes I am pretty wide awake. I just want to feel you pressed against me. See you tomorrow. Sweet dreams.

P – I accept you for who you are without exception. You have so much to offer and I feel so lucky to be a part of your life

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