In a world full of hate, be love.

Let’s KIK This Off

Day 1
So, yeah… That’s the day it all started. The day he found me, the day he sent the first of what I hope to be a lifetime of genuinely sweet messages. He found my profile and wanted to introduce himself. We had some similarities, we were both looking for the same type of relationship, and he thought we’d get along pretty well. Seemed decent enough. Fun photos. Nice, respectable message. Sure, I’ll respond. We shared a lot that first night. Best conversation either of us had experienced in a while. Both of us were divorced, mid-30’s, looking for love and finding lots of duds along the way. Chatted for about two hours or so…lots of lol’s…lots of sharing. No plans for a date yet….I’m pretty sure he will forget about me in the morning.
8/31/2015 @ 10:41pm
P – Hi Zee. My name is Peter. I saw your profile on POF and thought I would introduce myself. Like you I am looking for the lo g term and ultimately marriage and like you I date exclusively interracially. Please check out my POF profile. I think we have a lot in common and would get along very well
Z – Hi, how are you?
P – Pretty good. Just not tired yet. How are you?
Z – Good! Pretty good day today!
P – Awesome. Me too. I just moved and loving the new place. What was so good about your day?
Z – I’m in direct sales and just helped my newest recruit so that is exciting to me…
Z – Born and raised in the area?
P – That’s very cool. I just moved here last year. Was in Tucson for Eight years. Born and raised in Wisconsin though
Z – Oh, you like cold weather?
P – Not especially. My job transferred me here. Im not built for the cold. Do you like winter.
Z – Hate it. And every year, I hate it more! I really want to leave!
P – Me too. If you can’t run around outside naked without dying its too cold. That’s my litmus test.
Z – Lol P – You a night owl?
Z – Yep, I am, and I don’t really sleep much…
Z – Did you buy a place or are you in an apt? What side of town?
P – I’m renting. Didn’t want to get tied down. Just behind St. V’s on Market. How about you?
Z – I am off Copley road so your kind of close…
Z – So how’s Ohio been treating you?
P – It is an odd place. Found out a few days ago that Dalmer grew up here…lol not a good sign
Z – Really? I bought he grew up in Bath…yikes!!
P – Maybe. What do you like to do for fun around the area?
Z – Well, I like to try different places around town, I’m super simple…dinner, parks, drinks downtown
P – I’m the same way. I love trying out new places and some of the metro parks are very nice
Z – Love the metro parks…I go often with my littles…
P – Very cool. They are little cuties
Z – Thanks!
P – Who doesn’t love beautiful panda babies *smiley face
Z – Lol
P – I don’t have any but children but did raise my three nephews for a few years.
Z – Do you want your own
P – I have always been of the mind set that things happen as they should. And I have never tried to force the issue. I do love kids though.
P – I’m pretty open to it. It just hasn’t happened
Z – So have you dated in Akron yet?
P – A little, but I’m very picky.
Z – Me too!
P – I know. I really like that about you. I invest a lot in my relationships and don’t give my all to just anyone.
Z – You can’t because everyone doesn’t deserve it
P – Exactly.
P – Most people don’t see it that way though. I have been called stand offish and prudish or elitist. Which isn’t me at all…I’m a pretty warm and affectionate person but not given me lucky charms to just anyone…lol
P – If that makes any sense…What about you. Ever get that reaction?
Z – Mostly, it’s guys who don’t for what I’m looking for telling me I’m wrong for wanting it…
Z – Fit not for…
Z – Ugh, I need to proofread, lol
P – How dare you be discerning about your relationships…lol
Z – Lol
P – Tru dat
Z – I settled before…I shouldn’t have and I’m worse off for it
P – You and me both. I married me a white girl who ran off and joined the Hare Krishna’s…hilarious
Z – Lmao
Z – Well, my husband didn’t think he needed to stop sleeping with other people…wish he would have let me know that before we got married
P – Hmm that would have been good to know.
P – And WTF. Isn’t that one of the perks of getting married. To develop trust in intimacy…of course, I’m a hopeless romantic.
Z – That’s what I thought…I never wanted to have to date again…and as a single parent it’s so much harder..but the right guy whill fall into my life and will understand, I hope
P – I know. I’m not a fan of dating. I’m picky, but loyal to the end It’s hard enough without kids. I can’t imagine. I do believe that the right people fall into our lives at just the right time though.
Z – So what makes you date interracially?
P – I don’t know. I am just attracted to black women and we seem to connect so much better. How about you?
Z – So many reason but now that I have kids, I want my family to look complete…and o love my skin next to non-black skin…something super beautiful about that…
P – I agree. the contrast is beautiful
P – I love to see interracial couples And can’t imagine it any other way. I think children of interracial families are so incredibly beautiful.
Z – I love it too? Lol
Z – Ugh, I love it too!
P – LOL I would have never guessed
P – Too many people out there want to try interracial you know to cross if off the list. I get that often
Z – The experimenters…
P – yeah
Z – I’ve never “tried” black before
Z – Like I am some sort of side dish…
P – Ugh, I can relate as a tall skinny red head…
P – Oh well. I know what I like and am not one to settle
Z – So, you seem pretty normal…
Z – What exactly are you looking for that makes you so picky?
P – A real connection.
Z – The last guy who I asked this question to let me know he needed foot jobs, lol
P – A podiatrist?
P – Pervert…wow…lol
Z – Lmao, it was a fantasy…I had to give him a therapy lesson…like don’t tell people that before you meet them
P – I have got a lot of emails from women asking me to impregnate them with a red headed baby
Z – No one wants to chat with a perv!
Z – OMG, really?
Z – the women such too, lol
P – Yep. In the 6 hours I’ve had an account
Z – Oh, nice….I’ve had to change accounts in the last week…but guys are quick to click meet me but I feel as though online dating allows you to lose interest in people so quickly because something better is right there…
P – No one seems to want a stable loving committed relationship. That’s messed up
P – Better than you? Doubtful *smiley face
Z – I’m single, must be something wrong with me…
P – There is something wrong with everyone else more like it.
Z – I suppose
Z – I mean, I think I’m kinda freaking awesome, lol
Z – Can’t help it that no one else has caught on yet, lol
P – I do too.
P – Exactly. There lose thwn
P – I just checked out the people of Walmart….too funny
Z – Lol, yeah, I better not ever be on that site.I don’t like walking out the house looking messy
P – I didn’t see you on the site.
Z – Lol
P – I’m really wishing you were real and your POF disclaimer was just sarcasm…but alas…
Z – I mean, it’s a dating site, I want to put the best me out there but the attention is sometimes too much…and I’m not what most will consider a 10…I can’t imagine what it’s like for those women…or men for that matter
P – It’s been weird for me too. I get that
Z – I rarely send the first message and I can’t even respond politely to some of the crap people send me
P – I got one that just said “you wanna hit this” …lol
Z – Lmao…OMG!
Z – But then, I do wonder how many aren’t real, especially on the female side…with all that Ashley Madison fraud, makes you wonder
P – True. I have never met anyone online and only ever had one blind date…didn’t end well either
Z – You should meet me! I promise, I won’t be crazy
P – I would love to meet you and hope you are a little crazy
Z – Ooh, permission to let a little crazy out! Yah!!
P – For sure
Z – What’s your birthdate?
Z – 3/16 here and I know you are close
P – April 1st…
Z – April Fools really? I know one other person…
P – Best day to be born
Z – May I ask where you work?
Z – I do parties and vendor events and such so I pretty much work from home…and just started back to school this week…
P – Sure. I work for ***. The initials stand for nothing actually…lol
Z – Lmao
P – Wow very cool
Z – What the heck?
P – Do you like working from home?
Z – It’s been different…
P – I bet
Z – I worked in corporate America for ten years but there was a series of events that made me give it all up
Z – I made a lot of changes in the last year and I am sort of starting over…
P – That’s great.
Z – That doesn’t mean I need someone to take care of me
Z – Please don’t think that
P – Never thought it for a second
Z – However if that’s something you’d like to do, lol!!!
Z – Anyways, I needed to do something different with me life
P – I get that
Z – Me life, ha, sounds like a leprechaun
P – Ha…it does
P – I used the phrase “me lucky charms” so it’s all good
Z – And maybe I’m not at the best point in my life, but I am trying to get there and it would just be more fun if I had someone to share the journey with
P – I feel the same way Zee
Z – I’m not alone, I have these beautiful girls but I miss having an adult counterpart. I talk to much, sorry…
P – No you don’t *smiley face
P – I like it
Z – *wink
P – Seriously. Do you have any idea how much I would love a beautiful woman to go home to and listen to her pillow talk.
Z – I’m not always beautiful, lol…I take great pictures, lol
P – I’m much more attracted to the person someone is. Pretty people that are a-holes start looking ugly very quickly
Z – Ha
Z – My heart and spirit are so much more than whatever people see on the outside…
Z – But lately, people don’t actually try to look that deep…
P – It’s the most important part too me.
Z – Am I keeping you up? I don’t want you to miss sleep cause of me…
P – Zee. I would love to meet you. I also know your a single mother and am happy to be flexible with when.
P – And no your not keeping me up. Best conversation I’ve had in months *smiley face
Z – Aww…thanks!!
Z – Well, I’ll let you know now, the father of my children is very absent and I don’t get the standard every other weekend time free type of thing…
P – Sorry to hear that.
Z – So, I can find sitters but if you cancel for some crazy reason, I will cuss you out
P – I wouldn’t dream of canceling actually
Z – His loss, these girls will be loved twice as hard by me and maybe one day, I’ll meet someone who loves them too
P – They are very lucky little girls
Z – So when are you usually free?
P – I set my own schedule mostly. I work m-f during the day mostly
P – So I am free evenings weekends and the occasional weekday afternoon
Z – What would you like to do?
P – Let’s do something simple like coffee and a stroll
P – And go from there
Z – You’re in the highland square area?
P – Sort of. I’m just a mile east of it
Z – Did you go to Porch Rock’r over the weekend? Fun times!
P – I wanted too, but moved last weekend.
P – Did you go?
Z – Yeah, I didn’t make it to see the band I wanted to see cause a little was napping but I did get to see some friends
P – Awesome
P – I like that you call them littles
P – Like that old cartoon
Z – I didn’t even think of that, lol
Z – They are just my little humans..they used to be my tiny humans but since they are walking and talking little people, they are my littles!
P – Pretty soon they will be your “how the heck did you get so olds”
Z – I know, I don’t want to think about it, lol
P – My old nephew just turned 16. It’s weird
Z – Wow…how long ago were you raising them?
P – 10 years ago
P – They were 6, 4 and 3
Z – All teens now
P – Yep…mind blowing
P – How old are yours?
Z – 4, and the youngest turned 2 on the 21st of August
P – Cute
Z – My oldest was born 4/24, it was Easter Sunday
P – Very cool
P – A little Aries girl
Z – No, she’s the next one, isn’t she
P – Hmm. Oh yeah. Taurus?
P – I’m not so into astrology
Z – A Taurus and a Leo…I only for sure know mine and I know Aries is next
Z – Their dad is also Aries, 4/15
P – Gotrcha
Z – I hope you have enjoyed chatting with me!
P – Very much so
P – I hope to do it more often
Z – I get nervous, I’m scared I over share
Z – I just don’t know how to be any other way
P – You’re ok. No worried. I like to hear what you have to say
Z – I hope we chat often too! I’d love someone just to talk to
P – Me too
Z – Of course, I’m open to more but talking is great to start
P – Me too. But yes talking is a great start
Z – What do you have going on this week?
P – Just work.
P – I’m very flexible
Z – I’ll see what I can do and let you know…
P – Sounds great to me.
P – I’m very excited to meet you
Z – I hope you stay excited, lol
P – Until then, sweet dreams Zee. Talk to you later *smiley face
Z – Goodnight!! *wink
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