Well, I Think I’m Coming Back…

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Hello, hello, hello….I’ve missed you Blog….I’ve missed the way we talked, holding hands in the park, they way you looked at me and told me you loved me despite all my flaws….

Ok, seriously though…It’s been a long time and I just wanted to stop in and say hi…maybe I’ll start posting here a little more often but I really do like my Xanga page since you join groups and stuff and I can meet more people but more pageant girls have Blogger and so I figured maybe I should update over here since my life kinda is pageant filled…I’m addicted, I’m afraid to say….

Wait, I like being a pageant girl…although I never made it far, I love pageants and even if I never do one again (which eventually one day I know I will) but let’s just say I don’t…I’ve learned more on this ride that any other coaster I’ve been on…

So, let’s briefly update you on what’s been going on since I left here in 2004….goodness, so much and really so little all in the same…

Eh…screw the update…let’s just start all over from here…how’s about that….I’ll try to come back every now and again…maybe everyday for a while, until I get bored…

Well, yeah, that’s it….

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