In a world full of hate, be love.

Just Checking In 3-19

couch, sofa, ornate-3879012.jpg

It’s been almost a year, seriously, where does the time go.

Well, in this past year, what has changed? I suppose there are two major changes in my life with many smaller ones.

My step-father was killed in an automobile accident in the early morning of August 1st, 2007 and although he wasn’t my favorite person in the world, there was a part of me that was very sad by this tragic end to his life. The drama that followed ended up being worse – his family and their senselessness, his calling hours, his stolen and still unretrieved ashes – yeah, drama for sure.

And currently, I’m dating someone…and I really like him though there are a few minor obstacles that are making me crazy but if we stick it out, those won’t be an issue forever. He lives in Cambridge which is about an hour and ten minutes away and he works ALL the time, like 6 in the morning to 7 at night which is too much, in my opinion and it makes him tired. Anyway, we can’t spend as much time together as I would like but if I’m patient and we still like each other, well, we shall just have to see.

I recently moved into my very own apartment too, which is huge for me as I’ve never lived alone but I must admit this is really kinda cool, especially running around with little to nothing on whenever I feel like it, oh the joys of nudity in private!

I started taking tap dancing lessons in January with Judy Cain who I think is an amazing teacher. My class is full of adult women, various ages but mostly older, and we have learned two full dances so far and working on our third one. I’ve really caught on very well this time around and I practice all the time, usually not in my tap shoes as I really don’t have the proper floor to tap on but to be able to memorize all the steps and keep them running in your head, well it helps for me and it shows when we are in class, I’m a pretty good student.

I’m also coaching my second season of cheerleading with a Chicago-based company called Cheer USA. It’s an 8-week session that teaches girls 5-14 the basics of cheering such as motions, jumps and then we teach them cheers, chants and a dance. The last week of class is Parent’s Day where they take what they’ve learned and show it to their parents. We’ve got a much lower turnout than we did with the session that started in Sept. 2007 but I do enjoy coaching!

Once again, my fat ass is working to get in shape. It’s like a constant battle that I usually give up on quite easily but I’m trying really hard this time and we’ve got our second season of Harwick’s Biggest Loser going so I’m trying to lead by example and hit the gym on the regular and eat better which I have been doing, not as often as I should but I’m working on it. It’s a battle but one I’m ready to complete because it’s so worth it and I deserve to look in the mirror and see a woman that I feel is completely beautiful in every way I want to feel beautiful. For the most part, I do feel good but it’s those times when you go dress shopping or just want to wear a cute little something and you realize your big butt doesn’t look good at all that you really wonder why you don’t do something and even though I struggle with the whole PCOS thing, I’m hoping with some new things I’m learning that I finally start to see a difference and when I don’t see those immediate results, I have to not give up.

Other than that, well, I suppose that is all I have to say…for right now at least…I’ll be back soon, I promise…
Zaina Marie

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