Three Things to Do for Yourself During a Divorce

I feel that after two of these pesky situations, I am now an expert on divorce. Okay, okay, maybe not an expert but I definitely have some ideas, tips and advice that can help when you have to tackle the pain and stress that divorce (almost always) will bring. Divorce is often messy, with so […]
A Moment that Changed My Life

The World is Crazy

It’s a been a while, and yet, it has really only been two months. I’d like to forget the last few months have happened at all because the insanity of it is quite unbearable. But, I’m still standing…even though I’m overwhelmed, tired, shocked, hopeless, and a variety of other emotions all at once. There is […]
Stop Walking on Eggshells – My First Audible

I must be defective. That was the only explanation I could think of for his behavior. Why did he act so loving one moment and then rip me to shreds the next? Why did he tell me I was talented and wonderful and then scream at me that I was contemptible and the cause of […]
The Rise and Fall

It’s been a few years since I’ve posted but it seems the pendulum has swung back to the place that it was before. That place where he just gets up and walks out of the home and decides this isn’t for him. That place he went in November/December 2015 when our engagement ended as quickly […]