My Bible, Their Bible

(This is an in-class essay in response to an assigned reading of Homophobic: Read Your Bible) Recently, I attended a party filled with intelligent and scholarly folks, the majority of them African American. We talked about food, music, the current state of the economy and our approval or disapproval of the moves made by President […]
This is What You Call Service

I’ve reached a level of anger beyond words. This time, it’s so high that I’m ready to commit terroristic acts to make them realize just how deep my hatred is at this very moment. Oh yeah, I’m pissed off and every single customer service representative is getting my wrath and I don’t even care that […]
Parents without A Child

Vanessa slipped quietly out of bed, trying not to wake her mate, and hopped into the shower. She hummed softly and smiled as she shampooed her hair, excited about the day’s events. She’d been exhausting all her efforts on a project at work that would determine whether she gets a promotion that has been right […]

Do you ever wonder where the little paths in life would have taken you if you had of just went with your instincts and did something differently? What if I’d have said no instead of yes, stayed but instead you went, turned left when I could have turned right. Just got me thinking…

Laramie may have been a beautiful place. The people there might have been friendly. It may have just seemed like any other town in America. The University of Wyoming is located there, a city population of near 27,000. Laramie was a place I had never heard of before, until Matthew Shephard was killed there October […]