I’m a Mess Z

Well, today is the Christmas Party that it seems I won’t be attending. He said something about it last week but he didn’t confirm it before he left…he hasn’t talked about it all day. I guess I’m not going… 12/10 @ 12:18pm Z – Just thinking about all this stuff… P – Yeah me too […]
Let’s Get Help

So, we are still trying to figure out what is going on, it’s been an incredibly rough month so far. He promises we are trying to work our way through all of this. It is such a mess. A big, huge, awful mess BUT he said he talked to someone at work today that told […]
Sisterly Chat

During a moment of our conversation last night, Peter told me to call his sister and there was a lot of other things said that just didn’t make sense. The past few days, they’d been awful. I don’t know what is going on or why he is acting so incredibly strange. He’s gone all day […]
Something Is Wrong

I can feel it in my heart. I can feel it in my soul. There is so much going on in my heart, in my body, in my soul. Life is shifting and I’m not ready for this in any way. I think I’m losing everything. More than what I ever thought would be happening […]
Hello Wisconsin!!

I had been looking forward to this trip for a few weeks….going to meet Peter’s dad and grandparents and other family members would be great. So far, the only people I’d met in his life were his sister and a few co-workers. I knew from the start he didn’t have many people in the area […]
We Set A Date

Venue has been reserved! We are getting married on April 9th!! OMG, it’s totally right around the corner and I have so much to do, so much to choose, so much to decide on!! I went to a baby shower a week ago at Wingfoot Lake and the building was lovely! I mean, it was […]
Time for Brunch

Well, this week, we skipped the church part and just took a stroll down to Lyla’s for brunch. I just love the role he has taken in my children’s lives. I had to catch this moment as he and Anaya walked in front of us. My beautiful family….
Thanksgiving Dinner at Work

So, each year, the company Peter works for holds a Thanksgiving Dinner for employees and their plus one…I was very much looking forward to attending but things had been weird at the job, per Peter, and I wasn’t sure what was really going on. The day of the dinner, he wore a very casual outfit […]
77 Day Streak

I don’t know if he was mad at me or what yesterday but he didn’t kiss me on his way out the door. I had come downstairs and slept on the couch with Nyala. I heard him come down and take a shower and I drifted back off to sleep. Next thing I know, I […]
Local vs. Beach

We’ve been going back and forth about what we envision our day to be. I mean, on one hand, he’s aware that my first honeymoon didn’t quite turn out as planned and very early on, we discussed heading to Jamaica and that way, I’d for sure get a honeymoon and I figure we can just […]