So, I Jumped!

I totally did what Steve Harvey said and the next day, I jumped. I decided the girls and I desrved to do something. So, yes, I was a bit upset that their father went to Disney with his girlfriend, especially with the financial mess that our child support order is and I was equally upset […]
Pulling Me Through It

Hey, how have you been? Me, well, most days are getting better…I’ve got so much going on and meeting new people and trying to stay busy. And then today happened. Not one thing in particular but a series of things that set off a flurry of emotions and, well, I fell apart and came together […]
Don’t You Forget About Me

I don’t know what it is but I finally feel okay. Like, I just know that no matter what, I’m going to be alright. This song came into my heart as I started to write this blog and it just filled me with hope and happiness. Us three little birds are going to be alright. […]
There’s So Much…

In 2014, when I made the decision to stop working, it was very, very, very difficult. I had worked since I was 16, pretty much. I didn’t know how life would look, as a single mother of two children, very little child support, living with family, very little savings. I just didn’t know what the […]
It’s Not Possible but…

I do. I want that happiness. I want that love. I want that safety. I want that companionship. I want those promises. I want that dream. I want it all. Some days, I can completely admit that two months ago, I was pretty damn happy. Despite the lies I wasn’t aware of, my life felt […]
Thinking Back

Oh, I’ve had too much time to think and re-evaluate the twisted and tainted stories that were handed to me from the Peter Playbook. Some of them were so stupid, I can really hardly believe anyone would tell such stupid, stupid lies. Let’s take the most recent one. Just hours after telling me that he […]

Well, I’m headed down to get my babies. The house won’t be silent anymore. I’m so excited! Yes, it will be back to tough days, and potty training and screaming and yelling at times but all that beats silence. Beats emptiness. Beats lonely! And school starts next week….18 credits this semesters. I know, it’s about […]

I know, there is no explanation, truly, for what happened. Not in this relationship, not in my marriage or the relationship I had before that. There will never be an answer to why. I’ll never really understand how and why people give love and then take it away. Why they invest so much time and […]
I Love You, I Loved You

I can’t explain how the perfect love story ends. I can’t unbreak us. I can’t hold on. I can’t see the end of the tunnel and I’m going to allow myself one last day to hurt and to cry and to feel sad and down. “I don’t live here anymore,” is what he said today. […]
Packing It Up

He packed up some stuff today. It’s all just strange anymore. He seems excited to be getting a small one bedroom house somewhere. He packed up a few crates, did some laundry and hit the road. He continues to say he is sorry. But I don’t know anymore what exactly he is sorry for. So […]